Nicolas Rossi

Electrical Engineer received with honors from the National Technological University (UTN) with a Postgraduate Degree in Development and Financing of Renewable Energy Projects from UCEMA.

He began his career in the area of ​​high voltage and power transformers in ABB, a multinational company in the energy sector.

He then served as Coordinator of the RenovAr and ReProER at the Renewable Energy Center of the National Institute of Industrial Technology (INTI)
Member of the technical team on behalf of INTI for the evaluation of photovoltaic and wind projects by 15 GW (15,000 MW) presented within the framework of Renew Plan jointly with the Ministry of Energy and Mining and CAMMESA.

Coordinator of the IRE project (Integration to Red Eléctrica) for the evaluation and development of IoT and Smart Grid technologies in local networks.

Technical Coordinator of ReProER. Technical and strategic advisor for the Electricity sector within the framework of the Promotion Regime of Law 27,191.

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